Section: Application Domains

Resource Allocation and Scheduling

Project-team positioning

CEPAGE has undertaken tasks related to the high level modeling of heterogeneous networks, both at logical level (overlay networks design) and performance level (latency, bandwidth prediction, connectivity artifacts) in order to optimize tasks such as resource allocation and scheduling of computations and communications. Objectives include replica placement, broadcasting (streaming) of large messages, independent tasks scheduling and optimization of OLAP databases. Such problems have received at lot of attention in research centers in the USA (Armherst, Colorado, ...), in Spain (Madrid), Poland (Wroclaw), Germany (Dortmund), and others. Papers on algorithmic aspects of platform modeling, scheduling and resource allocation appear at parallel processing conferences and journals in Parallel and Distributed Computing (IPDPS, EuroPar, HIPC, SPAA, IEEE TPDS, JPDC) and members of CEPAGE are strongly involved in many of these events (IPDPS, EuroPar, TPDS) as well as helping to animate well-established specialized workshops, such as HCW and HeteroPar.

Within Inria, studies on overlay networks are performed in the ASAP and GANG projects, and studies related to scheduling and resource allocation are done within the ROMA and the MOAIS projects (and to some extent within ALGORILLE).

Scientific achievements

The approach followed in the CEPAGE project, and our main originality, is to consider the whole chain, from gathering actual data on the networks to platform modeling and complexity analysis. Indeed, many complexity analysis studies are performed on models whose parameters cannot actually be evaluated (this applies, for instance, to all algorithms that assume that the topology of a platform running over the Internet is known in advance) and many platform models are intractable from an algorithmic perspective (this applies, for instance, to all models that represent latencies or bandwidths between all pairs of nodes as a general matrix). Our general goal is to provide models whose parameters can be evaluated at runtime using actual direct measurements, to propose algorithms whose worst-case (or average-case) behavior can be proved for this model, and finally to evaluate the whole chain (model + algorithm + implementation).

From an applicative perspective, in the framework of the PhD Thesis of Hejer Rejeb, we have considered several storage and resource allocation problems in collaboration with Cyril Banino-Rokkones at Yahoo! Trondheim (dealing with actual datasets enabled us to improve known approximation results in this specific context). We have in particular studied the modeling of TCP mechanism for handling contentions and its influence on the performance of several scheduling algorithms and advocated the use of QoS mechanisms for prescribed bandwidth sharing (IPDPS 2010  [67] , ICPADS 2008  [52] , AlgoTel 2009  [64] , ICPADS 2009  [63] , PDP 2010  [65] ). In the PhD thesis of Hubert Larchevêque, we have considered the problem of aggregating resources (or placing replicas) in a distributed network (Sirocco 2008  [54] , Opodis 2008  [55] , ICPP 2011  [60] , AlgoTel 2011  [56] ) so that each group satifies some properties (in terms of aggregated memory, CPU and maximal distance in terms of latency within a group). We proved several multi-criteria approximation results for this problem, and we compared several embedding tools (Vivaldi, Sequoia) in the context of resource aggregation. For these applications, we have also provided when possible distributed algorithms based on sophisticated overlay networks, in particular in order to deal with heterogeneity (IPDPS 2008  [61] ). In the PhD Thesis of Przemyslaw Uznanski, we focus on the design of efficient streaming and broadcasting strategies, in particular in presence of connectivity artifacts like firewalls (IPDPS 2010  [62] , ICPADS 2011  [59] ). We have also worked on establishing under the bounded multiport model several new complexity results for classical distributed computing models such as divisible load theory (HCW 2008  [57] , IPDPS 2008  [107] , IPDPS 2012  [58] ) that have been later extended to Continuous Integration (HCW 2012  [53] ).

In the context of database query optimization, materializing some queries results for optimization is a standard solution when execution time performance is crucial. In the datacube context, the problem has been studied for a long time under the storage space limit constraint. Here also, we were able to reformulate this problem by considering instead the execution time as the hard constraint while the objective is to reduce the storage space. Even if the problem turns to be NP-hard, this reformulation allowed us to provide effective approximate solutions with both space and performance bounded guarantees (EDBT 2009 [96] ). Moreover, reducing the storage space tends to reduce the maintenance time since the latter is linearly proportional to the former. Finally, we characterized the minimal number of updates to be performed before performance becomes no more guaranteed and a new solution must be recomputed (ADBIS 2008 [97] ). One of the key concepts we used for solving this problem was that of a border. It turns out that this notion is equivalent to e.g., maximal frequent itemsets or minimal functional dependencies extensively studied by data mining community. In contrast to all previous proposals, we proposed the only parallel algorithm computing these borders with a speed-up guarantee regarding the number of processing units (CIKM 2011 [95] ). Besides the analytical study, its implementation in maximal frequent itemset mining outperforms state of the art implementations (see Section  5.1 ).

To achieve these results, our efforts have also focused on analyzing and building realistic datasets (AlgoTel 2012  [86] ) and proposing data analysis results for specific distributions (ISAAC 2011  [48] ). On the modeling side, in general, for bandwidth and contention modeling, we have proved that the bounded multi-port model (where each node is associated to an incoming bandwidth, an outgoing bandwidth and a maximal number of simultaneous TCP connexions) is both implementable, realistic and tractable (EuroPar 2011  [66] ). In particular, we have proved in strongly different contexts (allocation of virtual machines to physical machines, overlay design for broadcasting, server allocation for volunteer computing) that the use of resource augmentation enables to obtain quasi-optimal results. All our modeling efforts and algorithms have been included into the SimGRID Software (http://simgrid.gforge.inria.fr ), which enables us both to compare several algorithms under the same exact conditions and to compare the results obtained with several communication models (see Section  5.1 )..

Perspectives: We believe that our approach based on sound models, approximation algorithms for these models, followed by experimental validation is a strong one and we intend to continue in this direction in the following years. Our goal of designing realistic solutions pushes towards considering average case analysis of our algorithms, as well as robust optimization techniques. Furthermore, the recent strong interest in Cloud systems from the community entices us to use our expertise in resource allocation for the optimization of Cloud systems, both from the provider and from the user points of view. We already have some interesting contacts with local companies to share start collaborating on these topics. In this context, reliability issues are very important, and we believe that robust optimization is a very relevant approach for these problems.